Business Events, Team Building Programs

Üzleti események, csapatépítő programok


We have collected the quality elements of a successful event: choose from our diverse range of event rooms, and we will provide a professional and flexible organizing work, an excellent catering service, an inspiring environment and up-to-date event technique. We believe that we help you to reach your business goals by the business events dreamed by you and professionally performed by our colleagues.


Are you looking for a location for an adventurous and successful team building? If you choose Hotel Lycium****, we will ensure that your team spends a memorable and useful time with us. Our event organizer team provides exciting indoor and outdoor programs, team games, excellent catering, wellness programs and unique ideas for the participants of corporate and team building events.


Please ask for our unique offer.​



Ask for our offer!

Phone.: +36 52 506 600